Community Engagement
- How the university involves the local community in health and wellness activities.
- Partnerships and collaboration with local community organizations.
We Run is a volunteer-based committee of passionate runners. The AU-WHO in collaboration with We Run host them on a weekly basis at the Alfaisal main campus to train runners by professional coaches. The weekly runs are after work hours and spans the perimeter of the campus. The most recent We Run trained runners from Alfaisal also participated in the Riyadh Marathon 2024.
Riyadh Marathon 2024

This group picture was organized by the AU-DFCM team to celebrate the Alfaisal community of runners who partook in the Riyadh Marathon 2024. Alfaisal runners have been training weekly under the guidance of the We Run, who are a volunteer group of runners. The result of those arduous weeks of labor are the medals held by our esteemed runners. This was an initiative taken by the AU-DFCM under the AU-WHO in order to encourage a healthy and fit community. The AU-DFCM chair and Vice Dean of College of Medicine is also pictured above awarding the We Run coaches for their efforts in reaching this milestone.

The Wall of Fame is a fresh new addition to the walls of Alfaisal. Through the Department of Family & Community Medicine, we have collected and created a collage of pictures celebrating our Alfaisal runners who partook in the Riyadh Marathon 2024. AU-DFCM sent out a mass announcement email calling all Alfaisal marathoners to share their pictures from the race. The resultant collection of pictures that poured forth was then carefully curated to form the "Riyadh Marathon Wall of Fame." Alongisde this collage, is a group picture featuring the marathoners with their medals at Alfaisal University as well as a group picture of runners from the We Run community during training period. The collage is proudly displayed on the wall next to the door that leads to the Princess Haya Auditorium and signifies the resilience and commitment of our Alfaisal community towards wellness and good health.
Digital Health Conference

The Digital Health Conference (DHCon) is a global conference that brings key leaders, scientists, health care professionals, and stakeholders in digital health to one place where they explore, showcase, and network for Healthcare AI innovation and advancement. The conference is powered by the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC), the leading hospital in the MENA region for healthcare delivery and research. Alfaisal University collaborated with KFSH&RC as academic partners during this conference and the community medicine department participated with a booth.
Visit PhotogalleryA Talk by Dr. Ivy F. Oandasan MD, CCFP, MHSc FCFP
(Director, Education College of Family Physicians of Canada; Professor, Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto).

Advancing primary care training in Family medicine: Team-based care solution for the primary care crisis.
Community medicine department hosted a presentation delivered by Dr. Ivy F. Oandasan MD, CCFP, MHSc FCFP (Director, Education College of Family Physcians of Canada; Professor, Family & Community Medicine, University of Toronto). The talk was on the topic of Advancing primary care training in Family medicine: Team-based care solution for the primary care crisis.
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